Splinter Cell: Blacklist Gameplay
If you are as big of as fan as we are of Splinter Cell, then you are going to be psyched out of your mind to watch this walk through. Ubisoft's Patrick Redding, game director of Blacklist, shows off the different play styles a player can be rewarded for in the respective title! Enough already! Check it out for your self, and click on the video above!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Assassin's Creed: IV - Black Flag
Well, Ubisoft finally revealed the gameplay trailer today! I must say, I am even more excited now that I was before! What are you waiting for? Just click on the video above, and dive in!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Man Cave via Divorce
One failed marriage = gamer haven for one avid gamer. After his divorce, this man turned his living room into an epic man-cave! For more photos click on this link.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Influences of AC IV
Follow the link here to read about and watch a video of an interview that reveals some of the inspiration for the newest installation to the Assassin's Creed Franchise.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Premiere
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tomb Raider
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sim City: How Creator Will Wright Builds
The original creator of Sim City takes some time to tell us how he builds his cities. It may not be breaking news but with the newest installment coming on March 5th we thought you could get some pointers from one of the master minds. Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Call of Duty: Black Ops II DLC
News has been released on a new DLC for Black Ops II. The date of release is reported to be January 29, 2013. While it hasn't been made official by Activision I would say this is about the right time for their first DLC. The purported maps for the game are Hydro, Downhill, Grind, Mirage, and the zombie map Die Rise. Also a series first a new weapon is to be added to the game. It is the Peacekeeper SMG. So all of you Call of Duty and mulitplayer fans should keep an eye out for this DLC at the end of the month.
Mass Effect III - Omega Trailer
Thursday, November 15, 2012
DmC: Devil May Cry
DmC: Devil May Cry will have a demo available starting on November 20, 2012 on both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. You will be able to play through two level and one of those levels will be a boss battle. While playing some of the weapons that will be available in the final game will be available. Once you play through both levels you will unlock the Son of Sparda difficulty setting and a couple secrets. Curious as to what those secrets are. This will be the first big release next year on January 15, 2013.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Grand Theft Auto V: Trailer #2
Check out trailer #2 for Grand Theft Auto V. I am getting the impression that your going to end up playing the three characters featured in the picture above. Enjoy the trailer.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Episode V
Friday, October 26, 2012
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Episode IV
Death, destruction, Covenant, and the first appearance of Master Chief. This episode is nice and full of suspense and action. Will anyone survive? Did anyone survive? Watch this episode and see what happens.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Elder Scrolls Online: Hands On
Are you excited for The Elder Scrolls Online?! I for one, am giddy as all get out. Being a huge Skyrim fan, I can't wait to take the experience online with my friends, but this time within all of Tamriel!! Lucky for us, RPGamer had the incredible opportunity to play ESO for a few hours, in it's Alpha phase. He actually surprised me, because all I've heard from this point from others who were at the press event at E3, is sub par. I really appreciated this article because it answered all of my questions, and proved that ESO will be a truly unique MMO experience combined with the RPG elements that are so well done in the previous Elder Scrolls titles. Follow this link to check it out!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Episode III
Things are really heating up in episode III. Thomas Lasky has a big decision to make. Did the cliffhanger cause him to make that decision? Check out this episode and decide for yourself. I am looking forward to Friday for the next episode.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Call of Duty: BlackOps 2 Official Release Trailer
Are you ready to dive into the future of 2025? Are you prepared to experience a generation spanning story, and a global conflict like never before? Well check out this trailer and see if you are.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Xbox 360 Dasboard Update Launches
Starting today for you Xbox owners Microsoft has started rolling out the next update to the dashboard. As I said it is rolling out so don't worry if you get on your Xbox today and don't have the update yet. According to Major Nelson the first batch will go out to about three million consoles worldwide today. It will hit every Xbox in the next couple weeks.
What does this mean for you, you ask? Well Microsoft is adding a few new features to the console. This will include a new Internet Explorer web browser, Xbox Music, and Video Portals. You'll be able to save favorite games, music, movies/tv, and more to the home screen.
The update also sets up the Xbox for the launch of Xbox SmartGlass. See my little article on this page from June 5, 2012 for more information on Smartglass if you would like to learn more.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Captain Scarlett and Her Pirates Booty
Today IGN has posted quite a few videos regarding "Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty", the new DLC for Borderlands 2 that is due to release tomorrow! Check out this and many of their other videos on their YouTube Channel.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Episode II
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Yesterday Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment released information that the Green Arrow will be a playable character in the upcoming fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us. Personally I am not a big fan of the fighting games, but I am a fan of DC Comics. Although I do have to say from the trailer I watched it looks like it will be a pretty good game. Check out this trailer and judge for yourself.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Episode I
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Not going to write much here. Sit back relax and enjoy the episode. In my opinion it is really done well. Here is the video enjoy.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Black Ops II Zombie Trailer
Treyarch released their trailer for zombies today. New characters, weapons, and a bus how can you go wrong? I mean it's zombies, nuff said. Give this trailer a look. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Have you been waiting for the new Marvel Heroes game like I have? Even if you haven't, or know nothing about this title, then you should still give this epic trailer a look! Enjoy!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Monday, August 12, 2012
Borderlands 2: "Come and Get Me" Trailer
I keep getting things on my Gamescom 2012 Wish List granted, and Gamescom hasn't even begun. I'm not complaining thought, because Gearbox gave us this epic trailer for Borderlands 2! This shows the player just how much action this game truly has. And it briefly gives us an overview of each character, and their specialty. Make sure to lick the plate clean with this one, because you're going to love every last morsel that this trailer provides!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer Revealed!
Call of Duty: Black Ops II has been on the side of my radar since it was announced a few months ago. Since then I have been "oo'd" and "ahh'd" by the teaser trailer, gameplay footage, and announcements, but I haven't really been blown away. This trailer changes everything. I am a lover of the FPS genre, but have recently strayed away from it with all of the major RPG's coming out. There are several FPS's hitting shelves this fall/holiday that I am totally amped for, but BO:II is looking to be one of the top contenders. Treyarch has shown the world that each COD title they release becomes the most popular, and this one will quite possibly be the best one. Before I babble on any longer, here is what you have been waiting for. You've seen it already? Well then you know what I speak of. So go check it out again, because it's totally worth multiple views!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Release Date Announced
Have you been a level 85 for too long now? Well with the upcoming expansion in World of Warcraft, Mists Of Pandaria, you'll be able to get to a level 90. With the addition of new races such as the Monk, and a new continent to explore, you're sure to keep yourself entertained for many more hours than you've already put into it. Haven't played WOW yet? Nows a great time. It's free to play, and has the largest explorable land than any other game out there. What's even better is that Blizzard just announced that this sweet expansion will be available on September 25, 2012. For those of you who haven't seen the trailer for this expansion, follow this link!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Limited Edition Halo 4 - Xbox 360 Console
Well, it's official. 343 has truly stunned me... again... Just announced is the Halo 4 limited edition Xbox 360 console! It comes with a massive 320GB hard drive, two controllers to match the eye catching design of the console it's self, a wired headset, the Halo 4 base game, Xbox Live Tokens for some DLC in the Halo 4 Avatar Marketplace, and all the other goodies you would get in a normal 360S. This paint job brings us back to the Halo 2 limited edition console which was also semi clear. Have you noticed that the Xbox 360 power logo isn't green? Well, that's because it isn't! The Xbox, and it's controllers will glow blue instead! This console packaged together will cost $399.99. It get's better! 343 isn't stopping there! Being released on November 6, 2012 along with Halo 4 will be a custom UNSC themed Halo 4 controller that comes with an exclusive DLC Avatar t-shirt. The UNSC controller will also be translucent body, and an epic design as shown below. Retailing at $59.99 you can't pass it up!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
MechWarrior Online: Free-to-Play Frozen City Reveal Gameplay Trailer
Monday, June 25, 2012
Darksiders II - Last Sermon - Live Action Trailer
From developers Vigil Games, and publishers THQ comes the highly anticipated sequel to Darksiders. This time around we get to play as "Death" who will fight against all odds, and extremely freaky demons. The player will get to explore worlds never before seen. This trailer is a live action representation of how hardcore Death is, and what he is up against. Follow the link to sink your teeth into this one, and be sure to check back on our main page soon for Austin's look at the first Darksiders.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II - New Screenshots!!!
Aren't you happy that Treyarch loves us so much that they are willing to provide their fans with new material? These two, brand new screenshots prove my point. Just enough to get me by for the next few weeks. Click on each picture for full High Resolution to enjoy them to their fullest beauty!
Monday June 11, 2012
Mass Effect 3 Mulitplayer: Earth
Get ready for more multiplayer goodness from Mass Effect 3. The rumor for this multiplayer are three new maps in Rio, Vancouver, and London. Three new weapons. the Piranha assault shotgun, Acolyte pistol, and Typhoon light machine gun. Finally there are six new rumored human classes: Destroyer, Paladin, Demolisher, Slayer, Shadow, and Fury. As before once the rumor has been confirmed I will update this post with the confirmed information.
Tuesday June 5, 2012
Xbox 360 Smartglass
While this isn't about a game per se, it is about a new dimension of gaming. Here is a link to a full article. Smartglass.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Gameplay
Here is the gameplay trailer from E3. I was kinda of hoping for some info on zombies, but that gives us something to look forward to! Enjoy!
Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard DLC
Here is the official trailer for the new Skyrim DLC. I am going to keep this short so the trailer can speak for itself. There is no offical release date for the DLC yet beyond "this summer". Watch the trailer and enjoy.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Square Equix has released a teaser poster has been release regarding a possible multiplayer addition to Hitman: Absolution. A previous interview with Hakan Abrak who is a lead producer on the Hitman series stated that the team was doing something "very, very interesting... on the online side". So keep an eye on E3 for information for multiplayer on this game.
Friday May 25, 2012
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer InformationTuesday May 29, 2012
Hitman: Absolution Multiplayer?
Friday May 25, 2012
The cat has been let out of the bag. A now removed posting on Sony Asia website revealed information about a forth coming multiplayer DLC for Mass Effect 3. It will be entitled The Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion. There will be two new maps called Firebase Jade and Firebase Goddess. The in game reinforcement packs will also include three new weapons. Finally there will be six new race/classes available. They are the Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator, Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel, and the Phoenix Adept and Vanguard. My guess as to the Phoenix race is that it is the Protheans since the title of Javik’s DLC was From the Ashes. No word yet on a release date nor price for the DLC.
Update: On BioWare's Blog they have comfirmed the release of the Rebellion DLC Pack. The pack will be released on May 29, 2012 for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The DLC will be free to those of us that have the game's Online Pass.
There are a number of things included in this pack. The two new maps will be called Firebase Jade and Firebase Goddess. Firebase Jade will be a map overlooking an ancient Salarian waterfall and Firebase Goddess will be deep inside a city on the Asari homeworld. Also there will be a new in-mission objective for squards to accomplish. You will be escorting a high priority package to an extraction point.
The six new race/classes that I mentioned before have been confirmed. However I was wrong on my guess that the Phoenix race was the Protheans. It is in fact ex-Cerberus personnel. The three new weapons are the Cerberus Harrier Assault Rifle, the Reegar Carbine Shotgun, and the Krysae Sniper Rifle.
Finally there will be new non-consumable equipment that can be added to your gear via added gear slots. These items will give you character enhancements. Which sounds like some kind of perk like addition.
Thursday May 24, 2012
Skyrim Mounted Combat
Skyrim is finally going to allow you to fight from horse back. I say it's about time. PC gamers who use Steam can try it out today. Those of us using the PS3 or 360 will have to wait for a later date. No word yet on when that will be. The patch will also fix various bugs in the game. When I find out a slate release date I will update this post.
Wednesday May 23, 2012
Grand Theft Auto V
It appears that this game will be released somewhere in or around March 2013. Unfortunately Rockstar is being pretty tight lipped about information on this game. Some eagle eyed people have been able to pin down locations in Los Santos to real life locations in Los Angeles. Such as downtown LA, Hollywood, Santa Monica and as far south as San Pedro. Making this game pretty big.
Tuesday May 22, 2012
Black Ops 2
The majority of the game takes place in 2025. Characters like Frank Woods, Alex Mason and Jason Hudson return in this game where they will dealing with the end of the cold war in the 1980s. The main antagonist for this game is a man named Raul Menendez who is trying to provoke war. Some of the game will take place near the end of the cold war in the 1980s. David Mason the son of Alex Mason will be the main character for the game. One of the single player mission will actually take place in the E3 arena. There will be a new game mode in this installment of the Call of Duty series. It is called Strike Force Missions. The decisions you make in this mode will actually change the narrative of the the single player game, which is a first for the series. It is interesting that in the game the global superpowers compete for scarce Rare Earth Elements. Makes me appreciate my smartphone even more. Remember the game gets released on November 6, 2012.
Monday May 21, 2012
DmC Devil May Cry
Good news and bad news for fans of Devil May Cry. The release date for the game has been announced. Unfortunately the release date is January 15, 2013 for both the PS3 and 360. Capcom also reported they are working on a PC Version of the game that will be released later in 2013.
Dragon's Lair
For those old school gamers out there good new Dragon’s Lair is as of today available on the Xbox 360 Arcade Marketplace. You can get this title for 800 MS points and is Kinect enabled. For those of you out there who don’t know this game here is a short run down. This game is the story of the knight Dirk the Daring. He is trying to save the Princess Daphne from the evil dragon Singe. To do this he must make his way through the treacherous castle of the dark wizard Mordoc. This isn’t like most arcade games. The game was originally released in 1983. This game was ahead of its time. It was the first game to use laserdisc technology to over come pixel and frame rate limitations of it’s time. This game isn’t a hack and slash adventure either. Through various scenes of this game you will have to make split second decisions which direction to go or when to use your sword. If you choose wrong your dead, which leads to some comical death scenes. Dragon's Lair is one of only three games permanently on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
Thursday May 17, 2012
Batman: Arkham City "Harley Quinn's Revenge"
Here is the teaser trailer for the first story based DLC for Batman: Arkham City. As the title of the DLC says it will have Harley Quinn in it so I expect big things. Watch the video and judge for yourself. I haven't touched my copy of the game for awhile but I think I will be now. The DLC comes out later this month.
Wednesday May 16, 2012
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Information
The cat has been let out of the bag. A now removed posting on Sony Asia website revealed information about a forth coming multiplayer DLC for Mass Effect 3. It will be entitled The Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion. There will be two new maps called Firebase Jade and Firebase Goddess. The in game reinforcement packs will also include three new weapons. Finally there will be six new race/classes available. They are the Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator, Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel, and the Phoenix Adept and Vanguard. My guess as to the Phoenix race is that it is the Protheans since the title of Javik’s DLC was From the Ashes. No word yet on a release date nor price for the DLC. I will update this post when more information is made available.
Tuesday May 15, 2012
Ghost Recon: Future Solider
Here is the official release trailer for Ghost Recon: Future Solider. I have watched the video and have found myself more intrigued by the game. Having played the multiplayer beta with our very own Mike Clarke, I have not been as interested as I might have been. However this video and the realization that the mutliplayer was only the beta I am willing to give the game a second look. I imagine this will be a good game. Watch the trailer and enjoy!
Monday May 14, 2012
Battlefield 3 Premium?
For all Battlefield 3 players out there keep a watch on E3 2012. Rumors have it the EA/Dice plan to reveal a premium service at E3. According to those rumors it will debut on June 4, which is EA's E3 press conference. There will be content drops with unique in-game items associated with the premium service. Such as a premium knife, black dog tags, soldier camos, weapons camos and Assignments. Also in those rumors was a schedule for DLC for Battlefield 3. Those DLC are Close Quarters on June 12, 2012, a guide to help improve your skills, August 2012 a bonus content, fall 2012 Armor Kill, winter 2012 End Game, and March 2013 a 5th expansion pack. Be sure to check out the press conference on June 4, 2012.
Thursday May 10, 2012
Hitman: Absolution News
Today IO Interactive announced the release date for Hitman: Absolution. The date everyone will be waiting for is November 20, 2012! If you feel like you need some Hitman action sooner than then, have no fear! For those of you in North America who will be, or have pre-ordered H:A, Square Enix has the solution for you. Starting May 15, 2012 you will be able to play Hitman: Sniper Challenge. It is a stand-alone experience, and the player will control Agent 47 while trying to complete an assassination assignment. Players will be able to unlock equipment upgrades, and look for unique ways to complete the assignment. Leader boards are being added to the mix so that people can compare scores, and see who is the top hitman. Then when the game is released, the top player will win a trip for two to Copenhagen, Denmark. While there, they will meet the development team and have their likeness added to the next Hitman title. You can check out the Barcode Society for more details. Finally the Kazo TRG sniper rifle used in the challenge can be transferred over to the main game, along with the upgrades and unlockables you earned in the challenge!
Wednesday May 9, 2012
Wolfenstein 3-D is 20 years old
Wolfenstein 3-D is 20 years old today. To celebrate you can play the classic PC game on your browser a the Bethesda site, or on Wolfensteins's Facebook page. There is also a free download of Wolfenstein 3-D Classic Platinum, on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Hurry though it is a limited time download. I know I will be downloading it.
Wednesday May 9, 2012
Elder Scrolls Online
On May 3, 2012 Zenimax Online officially announced Elder Scrolls Online. While there few destails at this time it is know that the games will take place 1,000 years before the events of Skyrim and before the Septim Dynasty was established. There will be three factions to play. The Ebonheart Pact consists of the Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians. The Aldmeri Dominion will have the Alter, Bosmer, and Khajiit. The Bretons, Redguard, and Orcs make up the Daggerfall Convenant.
I personally think it is about time the Elder Scrolls went MMO. If any game series out there begs for an MMO this is it. Check out the video above, not much is revealed in it but it is still an interesting video to watch.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Black Ops 2 GameStop Pre-Order Bonuses News
Information from GameStop is already coming out in regards to pre-orders for Black Ops 2. GameStop is going to be doing things a bit different it appears. There will be four waves of pre-order bonuses for this game. Those of us who pre-order the game before June 30, 2012 will be receiving all four waves of pre-order bonuses. If you put your money down during the third wave you’ll get that wave plus whatever comes after it etc. While information on all four waves has not been released, those who pre-order during the first wave will receive a double-sided poster. Those of you out there that are PowerUp Rewards member will also receive a Prestige Token for Modern Warfare 3.
Wednesday May 2, 2012
Black Ops 2 Trailer
For those who may have missed it the Black Ops 2 reveal trailer was released yesterday. The trailer has peaked my interest and I am now anticipating the game more than I was. But enough of my opinion I will let the trailer speak for itself. Enjoy!
Monday April 30, 2012
Halo 4 Web Series News
News for the Halo fans out there. In the five weeks preceding the release of Halo 4 there will be a live action web series titled Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. The series will be about how Master Chief inspired a young UNSC cadet who will eventually be a leader aboard the UNSC Infinity spaceship, and tie Halo 4 into the Human versus Covenant War. Each episode will be about 15 minutes long.
I am personally looking forward to the series. If the series is are anything like the previous live action vignettes such as the Remember trailer for Halo: Reach they will be done well. As more information becomes available I will make sure to post updates.
Tuesday April 24, 2012
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 News
For all those Call of Duty fans out there make sure you tune into the NBA playoffs on May 1st for the big reveal. While it isn't "officially" being touted as Black Ops 2 at this point all the internet leaks and promotional posters point to it being so. There are some rumors swirling around the internet in regards to multiplayer, but until some more concrete information comes out I would take the information with a grain of salt.
Saturday, 4/21/2012
"The Price is Wrong"
Gameindustry.biz posted a fantastic article on why the fight against used game sales by major publishers won't increase sales, and may even hurt the industry. Linking to a former article in favor of the "nuclear bomb" being dropped on used game sales, and openly calling out industry giants on what he feels is a ridiculous sales tactic industry reporter John Walker tells it like it is.
Follow the link for more:
Tuesday, 03/13/2012
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters Trailer, and Screenshots
Our friends at Game-Insider received a brand new trailer for the upcoming DLC for Battlefield 3 titled: Close Quarters. Also on their page are some incredible, HD screenshots for your hearts desire! What are you waiting for? Click, and enjoy!
Monday, 03/05/2012
Assassin's Creed III - Brand new reveal trailer!
Today, the all new, all shiny, and all so incredible reveal trailer for Assassin's Creed III was released today. Here is the link to check out the video! There were further details released later on as well. Our friends at Game Insider have those details. Assassin's Creed III will be released on October 31, 2012 on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Friday, 02/10/2012
Star Trek Game Coming 2013!!!
I had to share this with the world. I am completely floored at how outstanding this game looks like it's going to be! Paramount Pictures announced that they will be teaming up with NAMCO BANDI Games Inc. to co-produce the extremely anticipated 2013 Star Trek game. It's set to be released in the first quarter of 2013 before the new Star Trek movie. Enough with the details. Click this link to watch the incredible trailer tied to it! Enjoy! Oh, and even though the trailer says it's being released 2012, it's really being released in 2013.
Thursday, 02/09/2012
Ghost Recon Online "Class" Trailer
I couldn't help but share this sweet video showing the "Class" system for the upcoming "Ghost Recon: Future Solder" multiplayer. It's in celebration of the most recent announcement of the closed beta beginning on March 5, 2012!! If you want to be apart of this highly anticipated beta, visit the official website and sign up to receive a beta code! Follow this link to watch the video!
Tuesday, 01/23/2012
Hitman: Damnation - Novel coming Summer 2012
Raymond Benson is currently working on the official prequel to the upcoming "Hitman: Absolution". Taking place between games Hitman: Blood Money and the upcoming Hitman: Absolution, Hitman: Damnation follows legendary assassin Agent 47 as he attempts to complete his toughest assignment. 47 is charged with assassinating high-level American political figures, but he notices that some aspects of the mission don’t add up as he is plunged into a web of lies, deceit, and murder. For further details, head on over to http://www.barcode-society.com/
Wednesday, 01/11/2012
Mad Catz Licensed MLG Pro Circuit Controller Now available!
Mad Catz has teamed up with the MLG Pro Circuit and created this brilliant controller! I must say. I was a little unsure about this one, but I'm sold! to check out all of the specs on this beauty, follow this link to Mad Catz website. And now that it's available, you can also purchase it through their site. Enjoy!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Monday, 12/12/2011
Hitman: Absolution Video Game Awards - Trailer
At the Video Game Awards, this incredible Hitman: Absolution trailer was shown. Check it out!
Tuesday, 11/29/2011
Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Free Ezio Turkish Assassin Armor
Gamespot is giving away free Ezio Turkish Assassin Armor! Click on this link, and follow the instructions to get your free armor!
Tuesday, 11/29/2011
Rainbow Six: Patriots - New Screenshots
Take a look at these new, and incredible screenshots for the newly announced, Rainbow Six: Patriots. Enjoy! (Click each picture to enlarge)
Friday, 11/04/2011
Rainbow Six: Patriots Announced
Ubisoft revealed the next Rainbow Six will be titled "Rainbow Six: Patriots". The game stars members of the Team Rainbow tactical squad as they battle a U.S. terrorist group called the True Patriots. Obviously Terrorists have evolved, and so has Rainbow Six.
The game will feature a cooporative story, as well as multiplayer modes. In a statement announcing the game, Ubisoft says "players will face critical scenarios that will require them to make tough ethical decisions in order to stop this new breed of terrorists."
Rainbow Six: Patriots will be available on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in 2013. More details will be included in the December issue of Game Informer Magazine.
Thursday, 11/03-2011
Modern Warfare Story Recap
Want to refresh your memories, and get a recap of what happened in Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2? Gamespot has the video recap, right here!
Tuesday, 10/25/2011
New Skyrim Screenshots
Brand new Skyrim screenshots for your viewing pleasure. Our friends at Game-Insider have them all!
Tuesday, 10/25/2011
Grand Theft Auto 5 Confirmed
This is the teaser picture of the up coming Grand Theft Auto 5! As indicated below, there will be a trailer on November 2, 2011 released on their website.
Saturday, 10/07/2011
Assassins Creed Revelations: Secrets of the Ottoman Assassins: Video 2 - Bombs
Monday, 09/19/2011
Red Dead: Redemption: Myths and Mavericks Free DLC available today!!!
The free Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack DLC is now available for download worldwide on Xbox LIVE and on PlayStation Network!!! All of this information straight from Rockstar's website on the details for what is included.
The free Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack DLC is now available for download worldwide on Xbox LIVE, and will be available on PlayStation Network in North America later this afternoon once the PSN Store updates. PlayStation 3 gamers in Europe can expect the pack to go up tomorrow morning when the European store is updated. As always, we'll keep you updated in the comments section below as soon as we've confirmed the pack is live there.
This completely free Bonus Pack, a token of our appreciation for all the amazing Red Dead fans out there that have been playing the game since its release last year, injects a host of new fan-favorite characters from the single-player story into multiplayer, including legendary gunslinger Landon Ricketts, Deputies Eli and Jonah, Mexican Army Captain Vincente de Santa, outlaw Javier Escuella, rancher Drew MacFarlane, Native American informant Nastas and John Marston's weathered old ranchhand Uncle.
The Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack also features a bevy of new multiplayer locations, including Cochinay, Nekoti Rock and Beecher's Hope and more, along with new Stronghold games in Armadillo, Tumbleweed, and Chuparosa (a full list of locations is listed below). To check out some screens from the new pack, click here.
Maps/Modes (bolded locations are brand new to multiplayer)
Cochinay – Gold Rush, Shootout, Gang Shootout, Stronghold
Nekoti Rock – Gold Rush, Shootout, Gang Shootout
El Presidio – Gold Rush, Shootout, Gang Shootout
Plainview – Gold Rush, Shootout, Gang Shootout
Gaptooth Mine – Shootout, Gang Shootout
Pike’s Basin – Shootout, Gang Shootout
Perdido – Hold Your Own, Grab the Bag
Benedict Point – Hold Your Own, Grab the Bag
Beecher’s Hope - Stronghold
Torquemada - Stronghold
Armadillo - Stronghold
Chuparosa - Stronghold
Rio Bravo - Shootout, Gang Shootout
Tumbleweed - Stronghold
Once you've registered for a PlayStation Network account you can then scroll to the PlayStation Network icon on your XMB and select PlayStation Store. The Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack is available from the Add-On section.
Simply go to Xbox LIVE Marketplace with your connected Xbox 360 console and select the Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack from the Game Add-ons section of Marketplace. Alternatively, you can download the DLC from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace website and have it ready and waiting for you the next time you go online with your Xbox 360 (requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership for online play).
Wednesday, 09/14/2011
Max Payne 3 Debut Trailer
Rockstar games has done it, yet again! Check out this incredible debut trailer for Max Payne 3!
Wednesday, 09/14/2011
Crysis is Coming to Xbox Live and PSN October, 2011!!!
It has been announced by Electronic Arts and developer Crytek, that the original Crysis will be available on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network this October! For those who were not able to experience this incredible game on the PC, and happen to have an Xbox or PlayStation, you will finally be able to enjoy this title in October of this year. This version of the game will also support stereoscopic 3D.
One thing worthy of mentioning is that the game has been revamped with the all new "CryENGINE 3", which was used to create Crysis 2. As stated before, Crysis will be available on Xbox live for 1600 Microsoft Points, or $19.99 on the PlayStation Network, this coming October.
Here are some screenshots to satisfy your hunger, until next month!
Wednesday, 09/14/2011
Red Dead Redemption: Game of the Year Edition Releasing October 14, 2011
Rockstar Games announces the Red Dead Redemption: Game of the Year Edition which will be released in North America on October 11, 2011, and October 14, 2011, internationally for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. With more than 160 Game of the Year honors, this definitive edition will include all additional content made for the game in a celebration of Red Dead Redemption’s critical and commercial success.
Read the full article here!!
Monday, 09/12/2011
Battlefield 3 single player trailer
DICE has graced us with some more Battlefield 3 goodies, yet again! This is the new singleplayer trailer. Check it out!!
Thursday, 09/01/2011
Dead Island release trailer
Techland, the developer of the upcoming Dead Island, gave us a release trailer keep our stomachs full until it's September 6, 2011 release date. Our friends over at Game Insider have the trailer. To get your Zombie sustenance, follow the link!!
Wednesday, 08/31/2011
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Feature: Building Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox 360)
Gamespot released a video where Activision and Sledgehammer discuss the details on what it takes to build a better Modern Warfare. Watch the full video at Gamespot!
Wednesday, 08/31/2011
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Insider Series: Defenders of Humanity
Today on Space Marine's website, video number 2 of the Prima Insider Series was released, taking a deeper look into what we can expect in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. For this awesome video, follow this link!!
Monday, 8/29/2011
Assassin's Creed Revelations - Animus Edition Unboxing Video
To learn more of what is included in this special Animus Edition follow this link to Game Insider!
Amazing massive multiplayer Vehicle and Infantry warfare!!
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - New Multiplayer Walkthrough
At Gamescom 2011, Ubisoft showed off this amazing Multiplayer walkthrough for their up coming title, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
Skyrim Pets and Companions
Over at The Elder Scrolls Skyrim.com, There is a quick little article about Skryim having pets and companions in the full game! Go check it out!
As found on www.Borderlands.com
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Now Available For PS3 & Xbox 360
UTV Ignition Games has just announced that El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is now available at retailer across North America for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Head on over to Game-Insider for full details, along with an official trailer!
Gamescom 2011 Live Updates right here!
For all lives updates of what is happening at Gamescom this year, be sure to visit our friends at Game-Insider for full coverage!
Gamescom 2011: EA Set To Showcase Some Of The Years Upcoming Best
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Demo announced!
Today, Publisher THQ announced that a demo will be coming to PC, 360, and PS3. Check out the full article at Game-Insider!
The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim - Races Screenshots
Here are some great pictures of the races in Skyrim. Head over to The Elder Scrolls Skyrim's website, to have a taste of these scrumptious treats!
Splinter Cell Trilogy - 16-minutes of PS3 HD Gameplay (Chaos Theory)
Here is a 16 minute clip from the up coming Splinter Cell Trilogy. For those of you who haven't heard, Ubisoft will be re-releasing Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow, and Chaos Theory on the PS3 in HD. For further details on this, click on this link! For the 16 minute gameplay trailer, head on over to Game-Insider!
Batman: Arkham City – All-New Mr. Freeze Announcement Trailer
For a look into what Mr. Freeze will be like in Batman: Arkham City, be sure to check out this trailer!
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