As it has been announced, the trailer revealing Grand Theft Auto 5 comes out tomorrow! I wanted to put together a wish list of things that I'd like to see in it.
One thing that I have missed that was in "GTA 3" and "GTA: Vice City" is the Dodo airplane. I loved to fly that thing around Liberty City, and Vice City. That airplane was very difficult to fly for the first few times. Especially the one in "GTA 3". It was always a challenge to get it off of the run way, and after I mastered it, there seemed to be a sense of accomplishment.
The Dodo in "Grand Theft Auto 3". |
In my opinion, the apache in "GTA: Vice City" was one of the most difficult vehicles to obtain in any of the "GTA" games. It was at the army base, and if I took any other helicopter there, the Army would automatically shoot at me. I remember having to load up on body armor, and rocket launchers just so I could get to the apache barely alive. The hardest thing about it was being able to fly out of there alive. The engine on the apache would take so long to turn on that by the time you could lift off, the army would blow the helicopter up. I would like to see the apache back because it's my favorite type of helicopter, and because of how difficult it was to commandeer.
The apache in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". |
I understand that the ability to parachute came back with the "GTA 4" expansion "The Ballad of Gay Tony", but it was not available in the main story of "GTA 4". I love being able to jump off of buildings, and helicopters just so I can parachute into an area. I just hope it's in the main story of "GTA 5".
Parachuting in "GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony" |
One thing that I thought could have been better in "GTA 4" was the clothing options. You were very limited to the amount of clothing and accessories you could buy. I know it shouldn't detract from the main storyline, but I thought it was always fun to put on different clothes for different things in the game. Something that really bugged me about "GTA 4" was that majority of the clothes and shoes that were on display, you couldn't actually buy, and I felt that they were better looking that the ones you could buy.
I have always wanted to drive around an actual tank. In "GTA 3" and "GTA: Vice City" there were really small tanks that you could commandeer, but they just didn't seem like tanks to me. They looked more like an armored truck with a cannon mounted to the top. I want to see a full size tank that you can take control of.
I have always wanted to see a little more physical damage done to buildings. It would be incredible to see an entire building be destroyed like in "Battlefield 3", or "Battlefield: Bad Company 2". Obviously the sandbox that have been in previous "GTA's" have been giant, and it would probably be impossible for the game's engine to process something like that, but I can dream, right?! Maybe some day.
Those are just some of the things that I would like to see in "GTA 5". What do you wish to see in "GTA 5"?
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
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