As I’m sure you can see from Ryan’s post, and my quick post last night, that we here at Gaming Cuisine aren’t particularly excited with the results of Sony’s conference on the 20th when they revealed the PS4.
I think the main reason is that there was so much hype and build up leading to the 20th, and then Sony didn’t deliver as they had in the past. I was fairly disappointed in the PS3, and was very excited to see what Sony was going to do this time around to fix their mistakes. The PS3 made Sony lose a lot of money because of the way they built the system. It’s a harder system to create games for due to the way it was designed to play games, and so a lot of companies decided not to bring anything out for it for the first few years. It wasn’t until the third or fourth year that we began to see a lot of titles being produced for the PS3.
With that being said, one thing that did get me excited was the fact that Sony indicated that the PS4 was created by game developers, and was going to be a lot more friendly to create games for. As Ryan mentioned in his thoughts, the 8 Gig of RAM is going to be a huge feature for consoles, especially considering how little RAM the PS3 was providing gamers. I am very excited to play the PS4 for the fact that it’s going to be a very fast console.

I think the biggest issue I had with the whole conference was the fact that they didn’t show off the PS4 itself. As Ryan said, they didn’t even show off concept images of what it’s going to look like. It just seems to me that Sony wasn’t prepared to reveal the PS4, and probably should have waited until PAX East or E3 to show the whole package. I understand they were trying to beat Microsoft this time around, but it just came off as sloppy, and made me doubt Sony again.
My hopes have been shattered, but I will say that I still have a small amount left in me. I'm hoping that Sony will make up for the lack of information with the conventions coming up in the next couple of months.
Similarly to Ryan, I’d like to know if the games will be digital, or physical. I like the idea of offering all of the new games digitally, but I hope that the PS4 won’t require a person to be connected to the Internet to play them. I just think that’s a terrible idea, and could see a lot of people not buying the console for that reason. I’d like to know how powerful the WiFi will be on the PS4. Will it be dual band? How powerful will it be? We recently found out that the system will launch with a headset for all of the social gamers out there. It’s about time they started thinking about that, because one thing I hated about the PS3 was the fact that it didn’t ship with a headset. Just one more way to make some more money, in my opinion. Also, a price would have been nice as well. I’d like to know how much it’s going to set me back, so I can start saving for one!
So we have a lot to look forward too in regards to hearing from Sony. But from what was "revealed" on the 20th showed me that Sony really needs to get their act together, and provide us with something we can sink our teeth into!
Here’s to what little hope I have left, Sony!
-Until next time, keep on gamin’ on!
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