Monday, August 29, 2011
343 Industries calling Halo 4, "The Reclaimer Trilogy"
At the PAX 2011(Penny Arcade Expo) this weekend, 343 Industries opened up on the details for the up coming Halo trilogy, and said that they are calling it "The Reclaimer Trilogy". Questions were asked about where Master Chief will be exploring in Halo 4, and topics such as Cortana's role were addressed.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Introducing Gaming Cuisine's Sports Game Writer
Hey gamers, my name is Jimmie Chesh and I’m the newest writer of the Gaming Cuisine crew. I’ve been an avid sports fan since I was a kid and I’m currently a BYU Cougars and Utah Jazz writer for TornBySports. Since sports have been a major part of my life, naturally I’ve been playing sports video games the whole time. The first game I ever played was “Madden ’92” on the Sega Genesis.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Evolution of Entertainment: Do the classics ever die? (Part 2)
In my previous article I discussed controls, design and the technical history of video games. In this article I plan on covering the origins of genres, storylines, and even some gameplay styles.
Just as control schemes have obvious origins in previous generations of games, so do most storylines and game genres. While it’s easy to see that storylines and thematic elements have carried over in genres such as RPG’s, Action, Adventure, Platform, Shooters, etc, other genres have had less obvious ancestry. It would be easy to dismiss genres like Survival-Horror, Music/Rhythm, Simulation and Sandbox as modern creations, created to cater to advancing tastes and current demand. However they too evolved from styles and formulas created early in the history of the video game industry, and even before its creation.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
We have added a new page under the "What's Cooking" title to your left! Be sure to check out the "Pot Luck" page with a link to our brand new Forum!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Demo Review
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Evolution of Entertainment: Do the classics ever die? (part one)
Pong, 1972 vs Modern Warfare 3, 2011. A bit of a difference. |
When looking at titles from the early industry, with many being literally only a handful of lines or dots on a screen, it’s easy to see how much games have progressed in the past forty years. But beyond recognizing that video games have changed interfaces and looks, have the core components of video games really changed that much? While most modern games may seem to have only passing similarities to their primordial counterparts, they may be more similar than one would think. From Colossal Cave Adventure to God of War, video games have continuously used common themes, tropes, stories and influences harkening back not only to the beginning of the electronics industry, but possibly to the very beginnings of civilization itself.
Many of the base concepts from the earliest interactive electronic games ever made still have deep influences over the video game industry today. Dig a little deeper into specific genres and titles and you’ll find many modern games aren't just influenced by the same source material as their "Golden Age" counterparts, but many have been directly inspired by them.
Nearly every genre we play today was available in some form or another during the formative years of the video game industries development. Shooters, strategy, action, adventure, platform, sports, racing, fighting, beat-em-ups, side-scrollers, role playing games and even first-person shooters were all first developed in the early days of the video game industry.
Today I would like to delve into some of these influences, and what they mean to the game industry, past, present, and future.
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14 sided Roman dice, and a depiction of a known Egyptian "chess-style" game. |
From the Computer Lab to the Arcade
Pictured: The NIMrod Computer, 1952 (left) and Tennis for Two, circa 1958 (right). |
Due to the limitations of technology and hardware at the time these early games were, of necessity, based on simple and well known concepts. That doesn't mean these early concepts and demonstrations of games were without merit though. Chess and Tennis for Two, for instance, are particularly notable for being the first recorded chess, and tennis (or "Pong-type”) programs ever made. Two styles of gameplay that are still popular in video games to this day.
It’s also worth mentioning that most of these early games were designed and used as demonstrations of computational power and capability, rather than as forms of entertainment. Usually in laboratory or educational settings. Most were intended to capture and garner attention to the fledgling computer industry. Some were used to increase sales of computer equipment to governments and education systems. In the end though, due to public and private interest, these programs have had a lasting and significant impact on the industry to this very day.
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Spacewar!, circa 1961-62. |
As computers grew more powerful, so did the complexity of interaction that they were capable of. This increase in power and complexity quickly lead to the creation of new and more exciting interactive games being created. One of these early games, Spacewar!, developed in 1962 by Steve "Slug" Russell and fellow student hobbyists at MIT, is of particular interest and importance.
Spacewar! was the pinnacle of interactive electronic game design for its time, and would remain an incredible feat for many years to come. It featured advanced controls that utilized homemade controllers, player-versus-player combat, multiple game modes and rules, backgrounds accurately recreated from real astronomical maps, and even advanced in-game physics that mimicked the real gravitational pulls and effects of stars and planets. Features that not only continue to appear in games to this day, but still directly influence the industry, and are often expected by modern gamers. The code for Spacewar! was also released into the public domain, which allowed it to be modified and spread freely. It was eventually modified and even played throughout the world over one of the early predecessors to the internet, PLATO. This makes Spacewar! the first interactive electronic game to ever be played in more than one location at a time. Not a small accomplishment for a small group of friends who got together in order to make a game in the early 1960's.
Even with so many other incredible firsts under its belt, Spacewar! is also arguably the most influential video game of all time. Just one example of this is that Spacewar! inspired Computer Space, the first arcade video game to ever be commercially released in 1971. To say that Computer Space was inspired by Spacewar! is probably a bit of an understatement, as Computer Space was based directly on the design of Spacewar! That said, Computer Space was not only the first arcade video game ever made, but also the first game ever designed and released by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney. The team who would later go on to found Atari, the video game company that would forever change video games and the entertainment world as we know it.
While Spacewar! had proved wildly popular in computer labs on the college campuses that had access to it, Computer Space was a commercial and critical failure. Its complicated controls and steep learning curve proved to be too much for the fast and intense arcade environment. The majority of players who stumbled across it struggled to understand or enjoy the game, and most avoided repeated attempts at play. Very few Computer Space machines were ever produced, and the few that were sold mostly ended up as an object to draw the eye, rather than as a game to be enjoyed.
Strangely Computer Space's biggest success may be the fact that it was featured in the 1973 dystopian thriller, Soylent Green. Outside of Soylent Green, however, most of the public would never even get a glimpse of this machine, making it fall rapidly into obscurity. However, despite being a critical and commercial failure, the lessons learned from Computer Space lead Bushnell and Dabney to the idea of simpler, more user-friendly games. The simple game they came up with to start their new post-Computer Space endeavor would become one of the most universally recognized and successful games in the world: Pong.
Controlling the Future
Once games moved out of computer labs and demonstration booths, and into arcades and homes, game design and genres rapidly expanded and changed. In order to keep players putting more quarters in machines, and buying new games for their consoles, gaming quickly went beyond space battles and tennis approximations to encompass a wide array of genres, interactivity, and storytelling. These early arcade and home console games would go on to lay the foundations for nearly every genre of video games that we recognize today. The influence of "Golden Age" games such as Maze War, Battlezone, Robotron 2084, Spy Hunter, 1942, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and Star Wars: Arcade, and many, many others cannot be overstated. While audio and visual components of video games are leaps and bounds ahead of where they started, the mechanics and core features of games haven't changed nearly as drastically.
Clockwise,beginning at upper left: Robotron 2084, Spy Hunter, Star Wars: Arcade, 1942, Battlezone, and Maze Wars. All circa 1982-84 |
Furthermore while physical interfaces (IE controllers) for games may have increased in accuracy and complexity, the methods of input have seemingly changed very little, or in many cases, not at all. We still use sticks and pads to move, and press buttons to attack, shoot, jump, and more. It's not a bad thing when you think about it, but it does showcase how many aspects of gaming were conquered early on, and how those initial developments will be hard to surpass. That's not saying modern games are derivative, but rather that the basis for growth comes in improving and innovating on what has already been laid down by their predecessors. After all cars still use wheels, windshields, and doors, even if our modern vehicles are wildly different than their early ancestors with many of the same features.
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Mega Man 10. |
While some modern games have retro visuals, paying homage to their roots, even the most advanced games retain the same basic principles of control and interface as their early counterparts. Because most popular game series require precise and accurate control, the way a game handles is usually the first thing a person notices when picking up a new game. Story and graphics are both incredibly important, but without well designed and intuitive controls, they will be ignored. Many gamers will attest that great graphics and a brilliant storyline are easily ruined by poor control schemes or clunky interfaces. Remakes of games, old and new alike, remain a common staple of the video game industry, due to the fact that well designed gameplay and solid controls will always be appealing to the gaming audience.
The Atari “Mindlink” in action. Allowing gamers to control “Breakout” by the power of their mullet alone. |
In today’s market we have begun to see many different forms of motion based controllers being marketed and used. Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have all introduced different means of interacting with games beyond the joysticks and buttons we all know, all to varying levels of success. Many industry analysts believe that motion based controls are the future of the video game industry, and it's easy to see it being embraced more and more with every passing generation of games. Some researchers are even working on controlling games via brainwaves and electrical impulses. Strangely enough even these advanced movement-based and brainwave scanning control systems can be traced back to the early days of the video game industry.
Admittedly these first crude attempts at advanced controls were largely ineffective, and almost all were completely unreleased (Example: Atari Mindlink). However it shows that many of the technologies being pushed today are still being built on ideas as old as the game industry itself. While Atari and other early companies sought to create unique movement based systems, it is only today’s technology that make them possible. As technology continues to expand and increase it’s possible that the way we interact with games will go extinct itself, evolving into something we can’t even begin to imagine. It’s also possible that as humans we’ll always seek to have a little something in our hands as we tell on-screen characters where to go, how to jump, and what to shoot.
You have to use your hands?! That's like a baby's toy.
Regardless of origins, technology, or level of complexity, good controls continue to hold an important place in games, and always will. Complex or simple, a good game is a good game only thanks to interface and control.
Controls and interface are but one part of the puzzle of gaming's evolution though! Check back with us on Thursday for more.
Until then, play hard, and keep gaming.
- Ryan “Danger” Huff
Controls and interface are but one part of the puzzle of gaming's evolution though! Check back with us on Thursday for more.
Until then, play hard, and keep gaming.
- Ryan “Danger” Huff
Friday, August 19, 2011
New Prey 2 Screenshots
Bethesda released some new screenshots from Prey 2, which is due to be released in March 2012! For those of you who don't know, the story of Prey 2 focuses on
Borderlands 2 improves UI for split-screen, now with online
Joystiq scored an interview with Gearbox's Steve Gibson, and he was able to give them some details as to the improvement of UI for the split-screen in Borderlands 2!! You can find the full article here, on Joystiq's website!
Gamescom 2011: Assassin’s Creed: Revelation Gameplay demo
During Gamescom Ubisoft revealed more Assassin’s Creed: Revelations with this incredible 9 minute demo. Check it out!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Due to complications, Gaming Cuisine will not have a post up today. Until next time, take a look at the Daily Specials to follow the live coverage from Gamescom 2011!
Keep on gamin' on!
-Mike "HunterZero" Clark
Keep on gamin' on!
-Mike "HunterZero" Clark
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Gamescom 2011 Live Updates
For live updates of what is going on at Gamescom this year, head over to our Daily Specials page!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Head on over to the Daily Specials (to your left) for your feed of gaming news and updates! Keep on Gamin' on!!
-Mike "HunterZero" Clark
-Mike "HunterZero" Clark
Gamescom 2011 Wish List
Gamescom is the world's largest games event with 254,000 visitors, more than 4,400 journalists and 505 exhibitors from 33 countries attending the show in its second year.
Just what is Borderlands?
I first heard about the game Borderlands about a year before it was released. At that point I didn’t play games very often, except for the occasional Xbox Live deathmatch on Call of Duty, but my friend was so excited about the release that it rubbed off on me. So, when Borderlands was released in October 2009 I couldn’t resist picking it up.
Gearbox and 2K games recently announced that the sequel, “Borderlands 2”, should hopefully be released sometime during 2012! So, why do I love the original? Let me tell you. What first caught my attention was the fact that it not only had 2 player co-op for local play, but also 4 player co-op online. This makes it a lot of fun to play with friends and work together towards the same goal. The Random Weapon generator that Gearbox developed also added a lot to the game. Throughout the campaign you will run across hundreds of guns, and no matter how many times you play you will no doubt find a great new weapon, if not many! To encourage co-op play the enemies become tougher or easier depending on the number of people participating, and the tougher the enemy, the better weapons and loot they drop!
Gearbox and 2K games recently announced that the sequel, “Borderlands 2”, should hopefully be released sometime during 2012! So, why do I love the original? Let me tell you. What first caught my attention was the fact that it not only had 2 player co-op for local play, but also 4 player co-op online. This makes it a lot of fun to play with friends and work together towards the same goal. The Random Weapon generator that Gearbox developed also added a lot to the game. Throughout the campaign you will run across hundreds of guns, and no matter how many times you play you will no doubt find a great new weapon, if not many! To encourage co-op play the enemies become tougher or easier depending on the number of people participating, and the tougher the enemy, the better weapons and loot they drop!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Check back every Monday and Thursday for a new post! Keep on Gamin' on!
-Mike "HunterZero" Clark
Introducing Austin "HornFlake" Horn
Greetings gamers! It is my great opportunity to be the newest addition, and editor on the Gaming Cuisine team. I’d like to share with you a little bit about myself, and how I’ve come to love video games.
My name is Austin Horn, and much like Mike “HunterZero” Clark, I’m a Utahn through and through. I admit that I’m not as hardcore as my colleagues when it comes to gaming, but I do enjoy what my family calls “nerding” or “getting my nerd on”, whenever I have the time. I guess you could call me a casual gamer.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Why we play the games we play
Everybody plays the games they do for a reason, as for me there are a number of reasons, such as the genre. With each reason depending on each game. Some play a game because of its challenge; some play a game for the single player mode, others just the multiplayer, while still others play for the action, story, puzzles, or challenge in a game. Regardless of who you are there is a reason you play the games you play. To keep things interesting I play a number of genres. First Person Shooter’s (FPS’s), Adventure, Role Playing Games (RPG’s), Stealth, Racing, Action, Fighting, and Puzzle Games are among my favorite genres. I don't usually stick to one game and one game alone.
One of my favorite games is “Call of Duty: Black Ops” (COD:BO). There are a number of reasons why. Although I think the graphics could have been better, I really like the overall look of this game, and I love all of the customization in multiplayer. Treyarch, the creators of COD:BO, made it possible to customize practically everything. Another thing I really like is the ability to create a unique symbol to go along side your gamertag; I have seen some very unique symbols created. The games single player modes are great, but the game really excels online. However I won’t play this game online alone very often. This is a game that I enjoy most with a group of friends. It's much more gratifying to brag about something I just did with someone I have contact with on a regular basis. The main reason being that I know they can relate, they know what I’m talking about, and they have the same passion for the game that I do.
One of my favorite games is “Call of Duty: Black Ops” (COD:BO). There are a number of reasons why. Although I think the graphics could have been better, I really like the overall look of this game, and I love all of the customization in multiplayer. Treyarch, the creators of COD:BO, made it possible to customize practically everything. Another thing I really like is the ability to create a unique symbol to go along side your gamertag; I have seen some very unique symbols created. The games single player modes are great, but the game really excels online. However I won’t play this game online alone very often. This is a game that I enjoy most with a group of friends. It's much more gratifying to brag about something I just did with someone I have contact with on a regular basis. The main reason being that I know they can relate, they know what I’m talking about, and they have the same passion for the game that I do.
Monday, August 1, 2011
(Re)Introducing Mike
First I would like to thank everybody who has, and does, support this blog. Without you, my friends and I would not have a reason to write and report on video games, or the video game industry.
I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and share how I developed my passion for video games! My name is Mike Clark, I was born in Utah, and have lived here my entire life, save two years I spent in Western New York. My story is simple really, it goes a little something like this:
I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and share how I developed my passion for video games! My name is Mike Clark, I was born in Utah, and have lived here my entire life, save two years I spent in Western New York. My story is simple really, it goes a little something like this:
Introducing the new editor
As Hunter Zero Gaming has undergone some changes to format and content, it has also gained some new staff, namely me. So who am I? Apart from being the mysterious new editor yet to name himself (that will come, don’t worry), I’m also an avid gamer, writer, editor, and have enjoyed games from the time I was old enough to hold a joystick.
You may have questions, such as: Am I credible? Am I a gamer? Am I even remotely competent to edit and/or review games? The answers to those questions are, in order: yes, indeed, and probably not, but I’m going to anyway.
You may have questions, such as: Am I credible? Am I a gamer? Am I even remotely competent to edit and/or review games? The answers to those questions are, in order: yes, indeed, and probably not, but I’m going to anyway.
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