I’m going to get all of the bad out. First on my list are the iron sites of the basic weapons. Not only do the weapons kick back so much they’re uncontrollable, but the muzzle flash is so bright that I can barely see opponents when firing at them. If you want a more accurate shot in other first person shooter games, you zoom down your iron site, or scope. If you want a more accurate shot in this game, you’d better hope that you have a better gun to do it, or be using a sniper rifle. Basically when you start the beta, you don’t have a fighting chance until you've earned a better weapon. And when you do earn a better weapon, you’re probably going to be that much happier because of how ridiculously accurate it is. I found myself in situations where I would have a few shots squeezed off on an enemy, whose back was facing me, and seconds later I’d be lying on the ground dead because he had a better weapon than I did.
I’ll get into the details of how the game is set up, customization, and how stylistic this game is in a minute, but first I’d like to complain a bit more. One of your side weapons can be a stun gun. When I first saw that, I thought “Hmm... that’ll be useless!”. I was horribly wrong and extremely angry to find out the effects of this sidearm. When this weapon is shot at an enemy, if they are close enough, it obviously stuns the person being shot. The upside of this is the person shooting the stun gun is able to hover over the downed player and download data useful to his team. The downside is of course the player on the ground who is stunned. If by some odd chance the download is interrupted by a fellow team mate killing the enemy who is uploading the data to his team, then that teammate can revive the fallen soldier. If this doesn’t occur, the information is downloaded, the opposing team has information on everyone’s whereabouts, and he either kills you, or leaves you to spend another 5 seconds on the ground. Eventually you are able to get back up and jump into the battle again, but this entire process takes about 30 to 45 seconds from start to finish. This is way too long, and needs to be looked at being fixed. What was even more irritating about this was people used it way more than they should have. I got way more tired of laying on the ground with someone hovered over me, than I did of actually dying because of how often it happened.
All of the matches I played in the beta have been one sided battles. There are a number of factors as to why, such as the teammate’s skill level, and team work, but for the most part it was due to the opposing team having better weapons because they’ve played longer. I also found myself dying even though I was behind the cover of a solid wall. This game isn’t like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 where you can earn/receive a perk that allows you to shoot through cover; this game is designed so that if you’re behind thick enough cover, you should be safe unless a grenade lands by you, or an enemy gets behind you. While I'm on the subject, spawning in this game is so horrible that you’re either stuck spawning at your original base (which is way too far away from the battle), or, if you choose a random access point, you’re more than likely to spawn around the enemy. I found several times that the enemy would spawn behind or close enough to me, that they’d get the kill faster than I could think about what just happened. One example I can give is when I was lying on the ground as a sniper, had my active camouflage, and out of nowhere three enemies spawned in front of me. I was able to kill two of them immediately, while the third escaped because he had no clue I was behind him, and ran towards the battle. This isn’t something that happened occasionally, this happened countless times.
In most third person shooters I have played, such as Gears of War, and Mass Effect 3, you have the option to tuck and roll out of certain situations. That’s not the case in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, and that can be extremely frustrating, especially when a grenade lands nearby and you have no choice but to try and run. If there was an option to tactically jump and roll out of the way, you’d at least have a fighting chance; as is all you can do is stare at the grenade and get ready to hit the “A” button to respawn.
The final thing I’d like to complain about is that the beta freezes more than any other beta I’ve played. In a one hour span of time, I had to restart my system 3 times due to the game freezing. Once because it froze trying to load the main menu. As stated, I realize a lot of these bugs are probably going to be fixed for the final game, but I have to point them out because it’s affecting my overall feelings towards the game on the whole.

The two maps provided in the beta are decent enough. Aside from the bases being too far away from the battle, the maps are pretty well designed and highly detailed. As some of you may know I’m all about sound, and the sound in this game is great. There are a lot of futuristic sounds that I’m sure Ubisoft had to make up, and they nailed it right on the head. If the sniper class holds still for long enough, his entire body becomes invisible. I caught myself many times just running to cover and watching in awe while this happened, and I love the sound effect that occurs when this happens as well.
Body movement is very fluid and stylistic in this game. The way the player moves as he ducks for cover, drops to the ground, walks as he crouches, hops over obstacles, and even reloads his weapon is smooth as can be. The graphics in this beta are actually much better than I had anticipated. If you read my article on “Ubisoft and Tom Clancy games” then you can see that I was very bummed out about where this game was headed technologically. I felt that it was too far behind because of how many times it had been pushed back, but I am beginning to change my mind on the subject.
Overall I’m very disappointed with the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier beta, and I’m barely hanging on due to the few things that separate it from other shooters. I’m giving this beta a 2.75 out of 5 stars. Let’s hope that Ubisoft gets things fixed for the final game, and the story packs a very, very large punch, because right now things aren’t looking so good.
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
I agree with you bro, worst beta ever
ReplyDelete2.75.....Man I have been on this since day to of the launch, and you are being all to kind to even give a 2 anything. Lets drop that bitch down to 0.01 until they can fix constant boots, game freeze, stuck in spawn looking around the room from ghost cam, sniper shotguns.
ReplyDeleteThey ask for feed back but its the only feedback I can give if I have to rejoin a game 4 or 5 times and hour. The killer part is, the rooms are not even running at full cap. Dont know man, love the review you did cause its spot on, but I am having some serious second thoughts about this game. I got so frustrated (Me and about six guys I play battlefied 3 with) we had to go back to B3.
Hey, I agree. 2.75 is a pretty generous score. The only reason it's that high is for graphics, sound, and customization. With out those things, this beta is horrible, and I'm with you in that I'm having second thoughts about picking up the final copy. One thing I'm really pulling for is the story. Ubisoft hasn't let me down with a Ghost Recon story yet, and I am hoping they won't this time around either. You can bet I'll be reviewing it either way. Crappy, or not crappy. Thanks for the input!!
DeleteYou said it yourself it's only a beta. The constant freezing is a bitch and I've suffered because of it several times but I've been waiting for this game for three years now. The guns are accurate for what they can do in REAL life and that is extremely important. I'm sick of COD and shooting a guy in the chest with a sniper and watching him run away as if nothing has happened. When those people spawned in front of you that must have meant that there was someone near you for that to happen. It doesn't just happen out of the blue. They only spawn ON teammates OR at you DEFAULT spawn point.
ReplyDeleteI also have to say that COD operates very much on the same system of the more you play the better weapons you unlock. But as long as you learn the strengths of the gun you will have an equal chance 90% of the time. Not to mention if you think that the gun has to much kick the optimize it through gunsmith the make the control more standout Than it's default state. And with the grenade thing I understand the point you are making but you can see the grenade incoming on your HUD. The grenade has a massive halo around it to indicate the position from launch to detonation. And unless you are extremely close to the grenade you usually just get knocked down and can stand back up, wooded quite obviously.
I find the stun gun a good and unique addition in the game. It brings an element of tactic to the game instead of just run and gun. It gives the player an alternative to mindless killing, with the tactical team decision. I personally use the stun gun myself and find it makes leveling up twice as fast, due to a successful stun, then the hack, then the kill. The points speak for them self.
My only problems with the beta are the system resets for no reason and the obvious freezing. And also the lag. Apart from that I think this game has a lot of potential and should come out all guns blazing. 8.5 in my book lads. Can't wait for the full version
You make some very valid points. I absolutely agree that this game is going to be a completely unique twist on the shooters out there. COD is getting to be repetitive, and so are a lot of FPS's out there. This game has HUGE potential, I just didn't dig the beta. My complaint with the stun gun was that the whole process took too long. If there was some way to speed it up a little bit, it'd make for a better flow of gameplay. It's especially frustrating when someone stuns you with it, uploads data, and then backs off of you just so that his buddy can shock you as well. I just don't feel like you should be stunned that long is all. And I also don't feel like it takes a whole lot of skill. You're also right in saying that it helps your rank quite a bit, but that's also a problem because you're getting way too many points for simply stunning someone, and killing them. The uploading part should have the majority of the points because you're risking being shot by someone nearby, but stunning and shooting a helpless enemy shouldn't count as kudo's in my book. Maybe it was just who I played against, but it certainly felt like that's all the other team would do was run around with stun guns, and it took away from my over all experience after it happened time, and time again.
DeleteYes, the grenade displays on your HUD, but my complaint was that you don't have enough time to react in some cases. Yes you do get knocked on the ground if you're not too close to the blast, and I dig how real that felt and functioned. Again, maybe this had to do with the teams I faced, because it felt like a "nade fest" in a lot of situations.
I'm a HUGE Ghost Recon fan, and have been extremely excited for this title since the day it was announced nearly three years ago, but this beta just put a bad taste in my mouth. And you are correct. I did say "It's only a beta". That's what this review is about. Not the final game, but the beta. I realize a lot of these problems will work them selves out for the final version of the game, as I stated in my article.
As to gun-smithing, yes, you can fix your recoil the more you play. The difference in COD titles is that you actually have some what of a chance when you start the game for the first time. I didn't feel that way with this beta. Maybe it has to deal with my skill level with this particular title, but I feel like I'm able to pick up and learn very quickly, and compete on a high skill level. It was just too difficult to control for too long, and when I unlocked the better weapons, I almost felt like the recoil was almost not there, and that they were too powerful and accurate. It all goes back to game physics, and I just don't feel like the weapons have a decent balance. This is in EVERY shooter out there, and I'll always have that complaint. It doesn't mean that I hate the game because of it. This beta just had too many issues, and that adds up.
With this said. I still have my hopes up for this title, because I've been such a huge G.R. since the first Ghost Recon. It has huge potential!! Thanks for your comment! It means a lot to me that you actually cared enough to give your input. Hope to see you around some more, and hopefully to see your name! Anonymous is good for now though. :)
its a great game and much better than the COD FPS boring crap..all games have things to work out but this game will be a classic ...I applaud this game and the high standard of gameplay ,graphics .This game will be a great tactical precision game .Unlike the redundant FPS crap that feels like half a game ...GREAT JOB UBISOFT!
ReplyDeleteYour a duschbag......this game is crap.....hopefully the single player will be better....
Deletedouchebag huh ? watch you stupid immature brat .It will be a classic and alot of people are not as narrow minded FPS idiots like you stupid little brats ..
ReplyDeleteGo play your redundant FPS run and shoot boring ass shit .thats fine with me..
This game will be deeper,tactical and much more interesting than watching the front of a stupid gun forever..dumb ass's...