Registration for the Call of Duty: Ghosts - 2v2 Tournament (Xbox One) is now open! Please e-mail your team name, and the names of your team mates. You must bring cash to The Gamerz Funk the day of the tournament to finalize your registration. To get the $10 preregistration price, you must register by 8 p.m. on December 13, 2013. If you register after 8 p.m. on December 13, 2013, the cost will be $15 per person. You may also register at The Gamerz Funk between 11 a.m. And 11:30 a.m. on December 14, 2013, for $15.00 per person. Details for this tournament can be found here. We hope this will be a great turnout! We hope to see you all there!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
COD: Ghosts 2v2 tourney registration
Registration for this tournament will close at 8 p.m. (11-15-2013). If you register between now and 8 p.m. The cost will only be $10 per person. If you register after 8 p.m. The cost will be $15 per person. You may register at the Microsoft Store tomorrow, November 16, 2013, between 11 a.m. And 11:30 a.m. We hope this will be a great turnout! We hope to see you all there!
keep on gamin' on!
keep on gamin' on!
Monday, November 11, 2013
COD: Ghosts - 2v2 Tournament Information (Updated 12-03-2013)
The fee for this tournament will be $10.00. The early bird registration discount cut off date is December 13, 2013 at 8:00 pm. You may still register this way after that time, but it will cost $15.00 per person. The best way to stay up to date is by following us on Facebook, or Twitter (@gamingcuisine). If you have any questions, please e-mail us at
Here is the prize money break down per team:
4 teams: 1st place team - $56/ 2nd place team - $24
6 teams: 1st place team - $86/ 2nd place team - $36
8 teams: 1st place team - $112/ 2nd place team - $48
10 teams: 1st place team - $140/ 2nd place team - $60
12 teams, and above: 1st place team - $168/ 2nd place team - $72
Again, please sign up by December 13, 2013 at 8:00 pm by e-mailing your team name, and each team member's name to YOU MUST bring CASH ONLY to the tournament, by 11:30 AM. If you don't bring the entry fee to finalize your registration by 11:30 AM your team will be disqualified, and will not compete that day.
For rules settings, please follow this link!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Here is the prize money break down per team:
4 teams: 1st place team - $56/ 2nd place team - $24
6 teams: 1st place team - $86/ 2nd place team - $36
8 teams: 1st place team - $112/ 2nd place team - $48
10 teams: 1st place team - $140/ 2nd place team - $60
12 teams, and above: 1st place team - $168/ 2nd place team - $72
Again, please sign up by December 13, 2013 at 8:00 pm by e-mailing your team name, and each team member's name to YOU MUST bring CASH ONLY to the tournament, by 11:30 AM. If you don't bring the entry fee to finalize your registration by 11:30 AM your team will be disqualified, and will not compete that day.
For rules settings, please follow this link!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Monday, November 4, 2013
COD: Ghosts - Midnight Launch Tournament & COD: Ghosts 2v2 Tournament Announcement
We will be at the Gamestop in Jordan Landing hosting a Black Ops II - 2v2 Tournament. If we get permission from Infinity Ward, we may be playing COD: Ghosts for this tournament like we have in previous years at these kinds of events! If you do not have a partner, come early and find one! It is a midnight launch for COD: Ghosts, so you'll likely find someone who will compete with you! The winners will receive free entrance into the upcoming COD: Ghosts tournament on November 16, 2013, at the Microsoft Store for a chance at cash prizes! First place winners will also be moved up to the front of the line so that they will be the first person to get their copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts at 12:01 AM. Even if you aren't getting Ghosts tonight, it will be a blast to come and compete, and have your chance at possibly playing Ghosts early!
A lot of COD: Ghosts swag will be given out by Gamestop tonight, so make sure you finalize your payment, AND receive your ticket number (which determines your spot in line to get the game) so that you can have a chance at winning items in the raffle. If you have finalized your payment or reservation for Ghosts up to this point, this does not guarantee your spot in line. You must show up at 9:00 PM to complete this process to gain your ticket, which determines your spot in line. (Please continue reading for more details and rules for this tournament)
A lot of COD: Ghosts swag will be given out by Gamestop tonight, so make sure you finalize your payment, AND receive your ticket number (which determines your spot in line to get the game) so that you can have a chance at winning items in the raffle. If you have finalized your payment or reservation for Ghosts up to this point, this does not guarantee your spot in line. You must show up at 9:00 PM to complete this process to gain your ticket, which determines your spot in line. (Please continue reading for more details and rules for this tournament)
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
FIFA LAN Event Rules and Settings
Check out the GCCL Tournament Schedule Page for the Rules and Settings for the FIFA 14 LAN event! Remember, this event is FREE! Come and join us on Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM at the Microsoft store for this fun FIFA 14 event!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tourney Style FIFA 14 - LAN Event
We will be hosting a tournament style FIFA 14 - LAN event on October 19, 2013 at 3:30 PM. This event will be held at the City Creek Microsoft store! All details are on our GCCL Tournament Schedule Page! See you there!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Halo 4 - 4v4 Fundraiser Tournament
We have updated the GCCL Tournament Schedule Page with all the information you need to know about the upcoming Halo 4 - 4v4 Tournament being held on September 21, 2013 at 12:00 PM. If you are competing in this tournament, please take the time to read through these rules and settings so that you know what to expect for this tournament. Thank you!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Toxic Euphoria (Justin Burns) and his Halo 2 Montage
For those of you gamers out there who have heard of Toxic Euphoria (Justin Burns), you know that he is a former semi professional Halo player in the Major League Gaming. He has a very impressive history, and is known for being crowned "King of the Double Shot". Justin recently competed with the up and coming GC Cartman (Carter Davis), at Salt Fest's Halo 4: 2v2 tournament in May, 2013. Unsurprisingly, they took first place in this competition, and did so very efficiently. It was a close final few matches, but in the end, they came out as champions.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Fundraiser Halo 4 tournament delayed
We regret to announce the rescheduling of the Fundraiser Halo 4: Four Vs. Four tourney that was set to go down on August 24, 2013. It will now take place on September 21, 2013, at 2:00 PM. Details are on the Tournament Schedule. Thank you!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Happy 2 Years!!
Well, we made it to the second year of running this site. We've had some ups, and we've had some downs. Despite the downs, we have pushed through and endured! Before I continue with my post today, I'd like to take a second and thank you, the gamers. We literally have you to thank for our motivation to continue to do this. The spikes that we have seen in readership would keep us going, and smiling ear to ear. While we have changed out goals to focus on the Gaming Cuisine Competitive League (GCCL), we still value our readers just as much as before.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Player Profile Page Up! (But still under construction)
Want to see what our Player Profile Page is looking like? Just follow the link here to take a gander! Please e-mail us or leave a comment on the page for recommendations! Thank you for your patience!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
GCCL Partners with The Gamerz Funk, and the UT, FC!!
In transitioning to becoming the GCCL, we wanted to start off with a pretty sweet announcement. We would like to announce that the GCCL is partnering up with The Gamerz Funk, and the Utah Fight Circuit. We have been working with The Gamerz Funk for over a year now in hosting several tournaments at their local gaming cafe. It's not necessarily a newly formed partnership with them, but more of an announcement.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Our Sincerest Apologies, and a Look Towards The Future
I would like to begin by saying how truly sorry I am for the lack of upkeep on the site. Both Ryan and I have been through a lot of personal issues the past few months, and they have taken priority. With my wife having been diagnosed with cancer, and Ryan's father being very ill, we made a decision that we would put the site on hold until we got better hold of our individual situations. This has no effect on the future of Gaming Cuisine, however. We are holding our heads up high, and looking where the future is brightest.
By August 1, 2013 (GC's 2 year anniversary) you will all see an almost complete transformation of the site.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Xbox One Thoughts, and an Article and MORE COMING SOON
Due to technical difficulties I have not been able to post anything since Tuesday morning. Mike and I will both have forthcoming articles we hope you will enjoy. We will be posting our respective opinions/aftermath articles on the Xbox One reveal, and expect an awesome review of Anodyne as soon as I can get my PC functioning correctly again. Hopefully by Saturday evening. Until then we hope you'll read our back articles, maybe listen to our podcast, and enjoy your week!
Take care, and until then, Game On!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Coming Soon: A Real Article!
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Super Meat Boy, a simple, yet difficult and fun game.
Image source:
Due to circumstances today's article has to come tomorrow. I apologize. We missed last week, and this one late. However, we here at Gaming Cuisine are slowly catching up with all that life has thrown at us, and look forward to getting back on track. Come back tomorrow evening for an article on simplicity in games, the appeal of such titles, and a short review of Anodyne.
Until next time, Game On!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
SALT FEST Black Ops II - 2v2 Tournament Rules
Not much more needs to be added to this self explanatory title, other than the fact that you can check out these rules by clicking the newly added tab up top, or take the short cut here!
Salt Fest is going to be INCREDIBLE! You won't want to miss out on this, ONE OF A KIND, convention. We're serious. No one in the entire world has ever done a convention quite like this. Take all of your favorite conventions, and put them into one! For all details on Salt Fest, visit their website here!
See you there gamerz!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Where Are They Now? Updates and Insight to Some of 2013's Most Exciting Titles
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Broken Age, formerly known as Double Fine Adventure looks to be shaping up nicely. |
While there's a lot of talk of indie developers taking over the video game market in gaming forums, and chat rooms, almost all of the profits earned in the video game industry are still made by a small group of major developers, and likely will for some time to come. I've heard numbers thrown around to the effect of "90% of profits are made by 10% of the games", and while this may be a bit of hyperbole, it's not far from the truth. However that's not to say that indie games aren't changing the way things are done. Hits like Fez, Super Meat Boy, and Braid have all changed the way people look at indie gaming and indie development. And with upcoming titles like Broken Age, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity, Shadowrun Returns and Star Citizen, all having pulled in close to, or over $2,000,000 each in public funding, it's hard to deny the power of an ardent and devoted fanbase ravenous for continuations of their favorite series, or new titles from their favorite developers. Perhaps indie games won't remain indie forever.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Mondays post will be on Tuesday!
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Radio the Universe: Still progressing nicely. Thanks Kickstarter! |
Thanks for coming, by and until next time, Game On.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Half Life 3, Sega's New Console, the Spectrum, and Other False Starts
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Originally published in 2010, not "this week". |
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Why are Games Important?
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It may come as a surprise to many that my dad used to play text adventures, and can absolutely stomp faces in at Geometry Wars. Don't discount what your elders are capable of kids. |
I was going to put up an entirely different article today, another article on the Indie Gaming scene, and how small teams are starting to gain some incredible popularity, but I think I'd rather have a discussion than an article this time around.
So what does that mean? It means that over the past few years that Mike and I have been working on Gaming Cuisine we've met a lot of really cool people, and made a lot of really great friends. We've exceeded all of our own expectations, and we have you to thank for that. So instead of another industry analysis, I'd like to open up this one to all you out there. We at GC would like to know why games are important to you. And we don't mean, "I really like (insert genre here) because it's so (insert adjective/adverb here)." We mean why do you love games?
For me it goes back to my childhood, I remember walking down the street to my friends house to play Pitfall II and The Cabbage Patch Kids on his Colecovision (yeah, I'm old, I know), spending time with my dad on our trusty old Ti-99/4A Home Computer System, and later on opening a brand new Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) on Christmas day with my brother and sisters, and my dad hooking it up to the kitchen TV so we could play for hours. To me video games remind me of my family, and the closeness they brought us, not just by playing together, but because my parents cared enough to know what we wanted, and used games as a way to bring us closer together. The fact that my mother spent weeks trying to track down a copy of the elusive Pirates! for NES just before Christmas, and even calling Nintendo Headquarters trying to find me a copy will never leave me. That act of love and kindness over something as silly as an NES game remains one of my fondest memories of my mother, because she took the time to listen to me, and care about what I cared about. It may seem a silly thing, but this is honestly one way my family bonded, and I think it's awesome that I can share that with you, and feel a sense of nostalgia when I load up an old game, and remember my mother and all she did for me.
Now that's just my story, and everybody's going to feel different, but to me that's the beauty of games, and gaming, whether they be video, physical, sports, board games, etc.. Everybody has played games at some point, and everybody can make that connection.
So tell us, either in the comments below or on our Facebook wall or both, why are games important to you? We'd all like to know.
Until next time, Game On.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
A Broken Record
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The Gold Kiss of Death by Michael Baldi. Not game related, but man that's cool. Click the link for more great art. |
Until then, Game On!
Kittens, Sunshine, The Evil Within, and the Nicest Place on the Internet
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I know how you feel bro. |
Hey all, due to a bad case of "Life" arising, Mike was unable to post today. I will be putting up a post tomorrow, but for now have some happiness. I just watched Bethesda's The Evil Within trailer, and I found it somewhat disturbing. Being headed up by Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami TEW promises to put the horror back in the Survival-Horror genre. IGN got an early glimpse and has a good article, though be warned this game is nowhere near family friendly, and the trailer is definitely not about-to-go-to-bed material. Having watched it just before midnight, I feel it necessary to post some pictures that will bring some peace to my late night brain. If you feel inclined to view the trailer and screens as I did, and also feel the need to make your life a little brighter here are a couple really great sites for making your life seem just a bit better (at least they make mine a bit better). The URL sums it up. Thanks Nicest Place on the Internet, I needed that.
Mind Bleach - SFW If the Nicest Place doesn't cut it, then maybe you better step it up to the next level.
I hope you all enjoy, and until next time, Game On.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Earthworms, Skullmonkeys, and a Neverhood: Doug TenNapel's Return to Gaming with Armikrog
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I don't know what it is, but I want one anyway.
Source: Official Armikrog FB page
After several false starts and stunted attempts I'm happy to return to Gaming Cuisine with some great news: Doug TenNapel, the man behind Earthworm Jim, Skullmonkeys, and The Neverhood, and many other games, not to mention over a dozen graphic novels, is working on a brand new game: Armikrog.
While details are currently pretty sparse, there are a few things known about Armikrog. So far we know it will most likely be a point and click adventure, some of the key members from games such as Earthworm Jim, The Neverhood, and Skullmonkeys, will be working on this game (including musician Terry S. Taylor, animators Mike Dietz and Ed Schofield, and several others), it appears to be another claymation animated/styled game, and the game will be funded via Kickstarter. Other than that all the details seem kind of in the air at this point.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
GCCL Logo Winners!
After many votes, we have our winners! These logos will be used separately for different things within the GCCL. We would like to thank my awesome brother, Brian Clark, for designing these incredible logos. Watch out world, here we come!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Major Apology, And An Awesome Announcement!
As many of you have noticed, we haven't been up to par with our posts. Ryan has had some major obstacles, making it very difficult to post, or edit any articles. I have had some emergencies, and other obstacles of my own, as well.
Here at Gaming Cuisine, we are dedicated to providing you with a fresh view on anything related to video games, so we apologize to you, the gamer. We haven't been able to be as dedicated as we have been in the past, but things will change, and we can guarantee that. Some of you still come to the site on a daily basis, and we really appreciate you. Thank you for sticking around to help us grow, and become better writers, and gamers!
Here at Gaming Cuisine, we are dedicated to providing you with a fresh view on anything related to video games, so we apologize to you, the gamer. We haven't been able to be as dedicated as we have been in the past, but things will change, and we can guarantee that. Some of you still come to the site on a daily basis, and we really appreciate you. Thank you for sticking around to help us grow, and become better writers, and gamers!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday's coming soon!
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George Washington chopping down a cherry tree... |
Until then, Game On!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Black Ops II - 4v4 Tournament Info Page Updated
We have had requests to add new restrictions, and have made several changes to the rules and regulations. If you are competing in this tournament on March 30, 2013, please take the time to read through the changes, marked in the color Red. If you have any questions, or concerns, please e-mail us at All of these changes were taken into careful consideration. Please keep in mind that these changes may be altered for future tournaments, but are final for the tournament on March 30, 2013. Your input is key to us having the best possible Competitive League around! So please don't hesitate to ask anything, or voice your opinion!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
GCCL Final Logo Designs
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Click For Larger View! |
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II - 4v4 Tournament UPDATED
We have created a new page just for the upcoming Black Ops II 4v4 tournament. Click here for the quickest way there! Included in this page is all of the rules, regulations, and restrictions for the tournament.
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
GCCL Logo - You Decide!
Call of Duty: Black Ops II - 4v4 Tournament Flyer
It's almost here! If you didn't know about this amazing tournament we are throwing, then just take a look at the flyer above! For all further details, please head over to our GCCL Tournament Schedule Page. We will be posting all the details on rules, maps, and gametypes later tonight. We just need to finalize a couple of things. So check back later for that!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
GCCL Stats Page Updated
We finally updated the Stats page for your viewing pleasure. Check it out now! If we have misspelled any of your names, please send us an e-mail at and we will fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
GCCL Tournament Schedule Page Updated
We have updated the GCCL Tournament Schedule Page with the updated date for the Call of Duty: Black Ops 4v4 Tourament! Go check it out, right here!
We understand there are a lot of you who want another Halo 4 tournament very soon. And you shall get it! We have a tentative date of April 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM. It has not been decided weather it will be another 2v2 tournament, or a 4v4 tournament. Please stay tuned for more details. We will be sure to keep you updated the second we have new information!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
We understand there are a lot of you who want another Halo 4 tournament very soon. And you shall get it! We have a tentative date of April 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM. It has not been decided weather it will be another 2v2 tournament, or a 4v4 tournament. Please stay tuned for more details. We will be sure to keep you updated the second we have new information!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
New Xbox Name
While many of you may know some of the rumored names for the next Xbox, some of you may not. A couple of these rumored names are the Xbox 720, and it's project code name of "Durango". The one I am hoping for most would have to be the Xbox8. For those of you who do not know, the 8 is also a symbol for "Infinity".
Friday, March 1, 2013
Forge Competition and Halo 4 - 2v2 Tournament Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that submissions for our Forge Competition are due at 1:00 PM (MST) today so that we can play test them before tomorrow's Halo 4 - 2v2 Tournament which starts at 7:00 PM (MST). For those of you who are competing in the Forge Competition, and are not able to submit your map by the deadline time, please e-mail us, and indicate your reasoning, and we'll see if we can extend the due time today. Otherwise, your map will have to wait until next competition.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
The History Of Competitive Gaming
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MLG Pro-Circuit - Columbus |
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Mass Effect 3: Reckoning Trailer
If you were unaware, BioWare is releasing another multiplayer DLC today. The best part besides it's amazing new list of character's, and weapons, is that it's completely free! So be sure to take advantage of that, and download it for yourself today! Here is the intense trailer that shows off some of the character's. Enjoy!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Sony PS4 Reaveal - Thoughts
As I’m sure you can see from Ryan’s post, and my quick post last night, that we here at Gaming Cuisine aren’t particularly excited with the results of Sony’s conference on the 20th when they revealed the PS4.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
PlayStation 4 "Revealed"
Due to unforseen events, my thoughts on what was shown at Sony's big "reveal" will have to wait until tomorrow.
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
The PS4 Announced: Am I Really the Only One Who's Disappointed Right Now?
First off don't get me wrong, the PS4, in many ways, sounds like it's going to be awesome, but I do have a few concerns after watching today's press conference.
First lets point out The Good:
Very powerful
The biggest thing I took from the press conference is the PS4 will be sporting a ton of power. The system is being powered by the 8 core, x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", and a very powerful AMD GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). To those not technically inclined just realize that's really something else for a console. Games on the system will look fantastic, and while we didn't see a ton of gameplay, mostly just screens really, the games will look mind-blowingly good. Sony did say that the GPU will be used for general computation functions as well (GPGPU usage), but for those that think this will somehow be a hindrance, just trust me that this is a good thing.
First lets point out The Good:
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It's actually more confusing if you don't just nod your head knowingly and actually try to figure out what it means. |
The biggest thing I took from the press conference is the PS4 will be sporting a ton of power. The system is being powered by the 8 core, x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", and a very powerful AMD GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). To those not technically inclined just realize that's really something else for a console. Games on the system will look fantastic, and while we didn't see a ton of gameplay, mostly just screens really, the games will look mind-blowingly good. Sony did say that the GPU will be used for general computation functions as well (GPGPU usage), but for those that think this will somehow be a hindrance, just trust me that this is a good thing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Halo 4 2v2 Flyer
I figured before we sent out flyers to the streets, we'd give you a digital taste of it! Thanks to my highly talented brother, Brian, for this beautiful design. We can't wait for it, can you?!
- Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Monday, February 18, 2013
A Breakdown of Game Design
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Image Source:
Anyone can slap on a loop of Journey’s, Don’t Stop Believing to a never ending sidescroller, but that doesn't mean that it goes well. Music in a video game is used to set the mood that the game is about like Left 4 Dead for example. If you were as bored as I was you probably checked out the commentary bits that Valve put into the game. When walking through a mission you can click on little speech bubbles that play an audio track talking about specific elements used in development. One that stood out to me was both the music and the visual aspect, which I will get more into later. The sound of zombies around a corner has never been so vivid and crisp, and dare I say, realistic. For instance the moment you get grabbed by a Smoker, and you’re being hoisted up for your friends to scream and shoot at, a loud and alarming noise greets your ears. It really wakes you up, and gives you some shock and fear, and at the same time can really get you stressed. Whether that stress is good or bad is up to you.
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Image Source: Compactiongames |
While we’re on the topic of Left 4 Dead Valve, as I mentioned earlier, used some visual techniques that are rarely, if ever, implemented in games. In the popular mission “No Mercy” the four survivors have to fight their way from an abandoned building to the rooftop of a hospital in an urban environment while, of course, the creeps come out at night. While you’re running and gunning it through brain-feeders, you’re enclosed in a variety of rooms, corridors, streets, and alleyways. In my personal opinion this is one of the greatest missions I've ever endured. What the developers did, instead of just making everything darker and more difficult to see, they made a map that was already dark, and filled it with light at certain points (E.G. Bonfires, Cars, Street Lights, etc.) which really gave the game a “you’re in a zombie apocalypse and you might die” kind of vibe.
Gameplay/Overall feeling
Gameplay is a main component to a video game, considering that if the game feels broken, it’s most likely going to be looked down upon and obviously considered broken. A popular example would be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). If you don’t know exactly what to do, and the majority of people didn't/don’t, the game gives you the worst feeling possible, sometimes you die at random, different characters will hurt you for no reason, and it’s just a big mess. Although we don’t have that problem as much nowadays, which is great, there’s always room for improvement.
Remember folks, keep calm and play video games!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Updated Site, and Forge Competition Reminder
Please take note that we have added a Halo 4 2v2 Forge Competition Page for your convenience. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, click on the link provided above! For those of you who have, or will start creating a map(s) for our next Halo 4 2v2 tournament, this page was created for reference! Please don't hesitate to send us an e-mail at if you have any questions. We are always happy to assist you, the gamer, in any way possible.
Competitors, this is a reminder that your submissions are in fact due by no later than March 1, 2013 at 12:00 PM (MST). We can't wait to see what your creative minds cooked up for this! Thanks!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Competitors, this is a reminder that your submissions are in fact due by no later than March 1, 2013 at 12:00 PM (MST). We can't wait to see what your creative minds cooked up for this! Thanks!
-Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
GCCL's Halo 4 Tournament Time Erro
This will be quick, but I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of the error that was on our GCCL Tournament Schedule page. Originally our page showed that the up coming Halo 4 tournament was going to be held at 2:00 PM. This isn't, and was never, the case. The actual starting time is 7:00 PM, on March 2, 2013. All of the rules and regulations are listed on that page below the listed time. If you have any questions, please let us know at Thank you!
- Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
- Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Valve Layoffs Won't Effect Current Projects
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Image via: |
In a surprisingly widely discussed series of lay offs at Valve, (Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Steam), Gabe Newell has issued a statement assuring gamers that no current projects are being dropped, despite widespread rumors. I for one am highly relieved. Check out the article at Engadget for more details.
Violent Games and Violent People: Correlation or Coincidence?
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I don't think the burning of the Library of Alexandria is a proper analogy to the destruction of video games, but I'm posting it anyway. |
We've all heard the arguments that violent media creates violent people, but this point has been incredibly hard to prove. And for good reason, considering that almost every study that has sought to prove or disprove a correlation between violence and aggression and media has most likely had a bias one way or the other. But even scientifically speaking there is currently no solid evidence that violence in video games or movies or other entertainment "trains killers", as the (very ill informed) former lawyer Jack Thompson so eloquently put it.
That's not really the point though, the point is that people have been blaming popular media for violent and aggressive behavior for decades, if not centuries. Fact of the matter is though that if we try and pin the blame on one source, whether it's movies, comics, video games, or even books, what we're really doing is taking away the responsibility of the actions of a few, and in a way transferring that responsibility, and our anger, to a different party. Something that I think is not only inappropriate, but also insensitive and ignorant to where the real problems may lie.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Another Unexpected Delay, GameStop Brings Up a Good Point, and At Least One Good Valentine Idea
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If this isn't love, I don't know what is. |
Hey everybody, I can't get my computer running correctly, so today's post will have to wait until tomorrow. I apologize for the delay this week, but I assure you we're working on it. Expect the two articles I promised today on Wednesday, and I will hopefully have a PC running correctly ASAP. If not we'll get some sweet posts from my phone. It'll be fun. In the meantime check out the following interesting links:
GameStop says that 60% of gamers will not buy a console that prevents them from playing used games.
Y's 1&2 Chronicles on sale on Steam, to be released on Valentines Day. Great gift idea for the old school gamer in your life.
25 Studies of Video Game Violence Summarized
What you say? Monday on Tuesday again?
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Not exactly rocket surgery. |
Sorry for delay folks, due to some unexpected mechanical problems (due to a very recent car accident I was in) today's article will have to wait until tomorrow. Sad day, I know. I will be posting a short review and a small article on video game violence and real world effects tomorrow. (Spoiler: not a lot of evidence that games cause violence...)
Until next time, Keep on Gaming.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Halo 4 2v2 Tournament: Official Date Announcement
We have finally decided on a date for the Halo 4 2v2 tournament that will be held at The Gamerz Funk. The date is March 2, 2013 at 7:00 PM. For all of the details, you can check it out on our GCCL Tournament Schedule Page which can be found above, or you can read my "Halo 4 Tournament Announcement and Forge Competition" article.
For all of you that are creating a map for the competition, this means that the official date for your submissions must be on March 1, 2013 at 12:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST). All of the details for that are also in the article just mentioned.
Any questions? E-mail us at See you at the tournament!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
For all of you that are creating a map for the competition, this means that the official date for your submissions must be on March 1, 2013 at 12:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST). All of the details for that are also in the article just mentioned.
Any questions? E-mail us at See you at the tournament!
Until next time, keep on gamin' on!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Witcher 3 Announced for 2014, and We're Not Dead Yet!
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Nothing funny here, just check out GI's coverage on this one! Image Source |
Thanks to Game Informer the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been confirmed for a 2014 release. Reportedly "30 times larger than the previous game", Witcher 3 will be coming to all next generation consoles and PC. Some are speculating this to mean that Witcher 3 will be released on the upcoming "PS4" (Orbis) and "Xbox 720" (Durango). While we here at Gaming Cuisine will hold off our own speculation as to which systems the upcoming Witcher will be released on I can assure we're all very excited by the news.
In other news we're not dead yet! We are busy working on several projects which we hope to wow you with, and due to life being generally insane for Mike and I, we've been a little spotty with updates. But rest assured we're working on not only improving that, but also on the content we're providing. We'll have some upcoming surprises, as Mike has mentioned before, and many other things to look forward to in the near future, so stay tuned! Expect more updates this week, aside from just the Monday and Thursday regulars!
Until next time, Keep on Gaming!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Halo 4 Tournament Announcement, & Forge Competition!!!
As many of you know, we haven't had a tournament for a while. Mainly it's been because of the holiday's the past few months, but also because things have been very busy for us at Gaming Cuisine. Many things are being discussed and implemented into our site, including tournaments that we are extremely excited about. And now, for the announcement.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Forza Horizon Review
Forza Motorsport
is a very popular and world-renowned racing franchise that’s recognized for its
stunning visuals and flawless presentation; Forza truly gives you that “Professional Race Driver” feel. With the release
of Forza Horizon in 2012, Turn 10 Studios and Playground Games decided to take a new spin on the
series and focus on a more laid-back style, filled with
nonstop fun. In the middle of all this is the Horizon
Festival, an event held in their digital
rendition of the wonderful state of Colorado. The festival is basically half
racing competition and half ongoing concert. The whole point of the story is to climb the ranks, earning wristbands that will give you
access to more races.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Gameplay Video
I love to browse youtube for gameplay video's, and on this particular occasion, I decided to search for Mass Effect 3 Paladin Gameplay.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Crowdfunding and the Future of Independent Gaming
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Barkley 2, gaming evolution at its finest. |
Independent development has been a staple of the video game industry since its very founding. From the development of one of the first electronic games, coded by MIT students during late nights and in their spare time, to the humble beginnings of Atari in a garage, the spirit and ingenuity of indie games will seemingly never die. However, like all successful organisms, indie games and their development have had to evolve drastically in order to avoid extinction (unless you’re a creationist, then I suppose they’re just being designed more intelligently these days).
While many aspects of the indie development scene have changed wildly since the early days of the industry, some things never change. Indie developers have always pushed game design and hardware to their limits; often using radical design in gameplay and control systems, while simultaneously focusing on concepts and elements that may be unheard of, or have little-to-no mainstream appeal. These combinations sometimes pay off big, but more often than not they flop, or never find mainstream success. Occasionally elements from these revolutionary titles will find their way into future titles and games, bolstering their successor’s popularity; leaving their evolutionary mark while fading into the annals of history. Forgotten but for their singular contributions to the greater good and longevity of games on the whole.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday on Tuesday!
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Radio the Universe, an interesting looking game that will blend sci-fi, adventure, and potentially mental illness. I can't wait. |
Due to unforeseen circumstances today's post will come late. We apologize for the delay. For now please enjoy some screens from games that are, or were, Kickstarter projects. This may give you a hint of what the article to come will be about.
More pics/projects after the jump!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer
CD Projekt RED studios are famous for making The Witcher games, and are looking to be famous for something completely different, and futuristic. As the title says, this game takes place in the year 2077, and I must say, the CG teaser trailer that was released today looks absolutely brilliant.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Customize This!
Whether or not you play the AAA First Person Shooter's, Massively Multiplayer Online's, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena's, or Role Playing Games, you are more than likely still playing a video game that encourages customization. Remember Goldeneye 007? I can remember each time I'd be rushing to the tube TV to play it with my friends on split screen, and yelling "I get to be Oddjob!". Picking over the weapons I'd always go for the golden PP7, RC-P90, Rocket Launcher, or throwing knives. I loved picking up the proximity mines and throwing them on the ceiling in the entrance of a stair well so that my friends would run into them unknowingly, and I'd pick up an easy kill. That game was amazing, and in 1997 those particular things were considered "customization" in my book.
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